Training Details
Schedule: Every Saturday and Sunday, 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM IST
Start Date: 15th March 2025
Live Classes: Recordings will be provided
Duration: 2.5 – 3 months
Link for registration – Enroll Now
Feel free to call +91-8799360189 or email us for any queries.
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Introduction to API & API Testing
What is an API?
What is a WebService?
Type of API’s
Difference between URL, URN, URI
Architecture of API
Different tools and libraries for API Testing
Understanding API architecture (REST vs SOAP)
Request-Response Model
Status Codes & Response Formats (JSON, XML)
Why API Testing? Benefits & Real-world Use Cases
Getting Started with Postman
Installing & Setting up Postman
Quick tour of Postman
Understanding Postman UI (Workspaces, Collections, Environments)
Creating First API Request
Request Headers & Query Parameters, Form Parameter, Path Parameter, URL Encoding
Response Structure & Status Codes
Hands-on: Testing Public APIs
Working with Collections & Environments
Creating & Managing Collections
Using Environment Variables & Global Variables
Pre-request & Test Scripts
Automating Request Workflows
Hands-on: Dynamic Data Handling
Data Driven Test In Postman using JSON file
Data Driven Test In Postman using CSV file
Authentication & Authorization in API Testing
API Authentication Methods
Different Authentications
Different Authorizations
OAuth 1.0
OAuth 2.0
API Keys & Bearer Tokens
Working with Headers & Authorization in Postman
Hands-on: Testing APIs with Authentication
Postman Scripting & Automation with Newman
Writing Tests in Postman
Introduction to Postman Scripts (Pre-request & Test Scripts)
JavaScript Basics for API Testing
Writing Assertions in Postman (Chai Assertion Library)
Hands-on: Validating Response Data, Headers, Status Codes
Running Tests with Newman & CI/CD Integration
Introduction to Newman (Postman CLI)
Running Collections with Newman
Generating Reports (HTML, JSON)
Integrating Postman Tests with Jenkins/GitHub Actions
Hands-on: Setting up Automated API Testing Pipeline
API Mocking
Introduction to API Mocking
Creating Mock Servers in Postman
Performance Testing with Postman
Hands-on: Load Testing with Postman
Real-world API Testing Scenarios & Interview Preparation
Live Test For Postman
Real-world API Testing Scenarios
Common API Testing Challenges & Solutions
Interview Questions
API Testing using AI Tools.
RestAssured Setup
Introduction to API Testing & RestAssured
Overview of RestAssured & Why it is used for API Testing
Setting up RestAssured in IntelliJ/Eclipse
Installing necessary dependencies in Maven (RestAssured, TestNG, Jackson, Gson, etc.)
Writing the first GET request using RestAssured
Request Handling with RestAssured
Performing GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH requests
Sending Headers, Query Params, and Body Payloads
Handling Response JSON Parsing (Path, JSONPath, Jackson, Gson)
Extracting Response Data (Status Code, Headers, Body, Time, etc.)
Validating Response using Hamcrest Assertions
Logging Requests & Responses in RestAssured
How to use ObjectMapper
Serialization and Deserialization (marshalling and unmarshalling)
How to use Lombok to remove boilerplate code.
Usage of Jakarta library and Gson/ Jayway
Authentication Mechanisms in RestAssured
Basic Auth, Digest Auth, OAuth 1.0 & 2.0, API Keys, Bearer Tokens
Handling Token-Based Authentication
Implementing JWT Authentication in API Tests
Storing & Reusing Authentication Tokens in Tests
Data-Driven Testing with RestAssured
Introduction to TestNG for API Testing
Parameterized Tests in TestNG
DataProvider in TestNG for Data-Driven API Testing
Reading Test Data from Excel, JSON & CSV
Integrating Apache POI for Excel-based API Testing
Generating HTML Reports with TestNG Reports
Framework Architecture & Design
Introduction to API Automation Frameworks
Types of API Testing Frameworks
Folder Structure & Best Practices
Utilities & Helper Classes in Framework
Implementing BaseTest & Configurations
Properties File & JSON Configurations
API Test Execution & Git Github and CI/CD Integration
Running API Tests in Parallel using TestNG XML
Integrating RestAssured with Maven & Jenkins
Automating API Tests with GitHub Actions/Jenkins
Generating Chaintest Extent Reports for API Tests
What is API Mocking?
Creating Mock APIs using WireMock
Mocking Response Payloads & Status Codes
Advanced Logging & Debugging in RestAssured
Handling Exception Scenarios & Error Codes
Real-world API Testing Scenarios & Interview Preparation
Common API Testing Challenges & Solutions
Real-world API Test Automation Scenarios
Best Practices in API Automation
API Testing Interview Questions & Answers
Mock Interviews & Resume Guidance
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