If you are new to programming then its tough to remember each and every keywords, syntax of loop, conditional statements, classes names, module name etc. Eclipse, Intellij idea , VSCode editor etc code editors can be great help in such cases, these IDE’s comes with auto suggestions of code, code completion and even code recommendation.
If you are new to eclipse then I would suggest to check my blog post for eclipse which will give some more idea about eclipse features.
When I started my programming journey I used to take such helps from editor and was able to code faster. You can also use them for productivity.
Even in interview they don’t focus much on syntax rather they focus on your logic building.
Eclipse by default have some shortcuts for code completion, by default it is set to “CONTROL+SPACE”.
All time fav which I used in every program is System.out.println() – which prints output to console. There is a short for same is Sysout.
Eclipse Autocomplete
In case this is not working then perform below changes and you can get auto suggestions.
For Windows
Step 1 – Open eclipse > Window> Preferences
Now you will be getting different preferences which you can change. We need to search for content assist.
Step 2 – Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced
Step 3- You can click on all checkboxes and click on apply first then click on Apply and Save.
You can restart the eclipse and make sure changes should be saved.
You can create a sample program and check if the settings are saved or not.
These settings are only for windows but for MAC there is a slight changes only for preferences, rest everything is same.
Hope this helped, if yes then do share with your friends.
thank you for above help
Most welcome