Today in this article we will mainly discuss how to implement data driven framework in selenium webdriver using TestNG data provider.We have so many frameworks like Keyword driven framework, Hybrid Framework, POM that is Page object model and data driven framework, each framework having its own feature so we need to decide which framework to choose for this project. I … [Read more...] about How to Create Data Driven Framework in Selenium Webdriver in easy way
How to find xpath in Chrome browser and Write for Selenium
Welcome to Selenium tutorial, in this post, we will see how to find xpath in Chrome browser for Selenium script development. Till now we have seen that we have so many plugins for xpath in Firefox Browser like Firebug and Firepath but for Chrome, IE and another browser we do not have a plugin to identify xpath. In the last post,we have seen Awesome plugin in Firefox for … [Read more...] about How to find xpath in Chrome browser and Write for Selenium
How to create Test Case in Katalon Studio using Record and Play
If you have worked with Selenium or any other open source tools, then you must have faced lots of challenges and issues, which pull you down to complete your test automation. You may have also used a couple of frameworks to complete your scripts. As you know, building a framework is a very tedious process and it takes so much time and requires expertise. We may face some … [Read more...] about How to create Test Case in Katalon Studio using Record and Play
MySQL Database testing using selenium webdriver
In this post, we will discuss Database testing using selenium webdriver using the connector. You can take data using excel or CSV file as well but some company still use the database to take data from the different database. As we already know, Selenium does not support Database Testing but partially we can do using JDBC and ODBC. We will connect Java program with database … [Read more...] about MySQL Database testing using selenium webdriver
How to Read and Write excel files in Selenium using Apache POI
Hello, Welcome to Selenium tutorial, in this post, we will see how to Read and Write excel files in Selenium Selenium support only Web browser automation so for Read and Write excel files in Selenium we have to take help of third party API like JExcel and Apache POI Apache POI is an API, which is freeware and written in Java and gives so much flexibility to read/write … [Read more...] about How to Read and Write excel files in Selenium using Apache POI