Hello everyone welcomes back once again to Selenium Webdriver tutorial series. Today we will discuss how to Import and export jobs in Jenkins using CLI (Command line interface). If you are completely new to Jenkins then you must have to visit below post. Selenium Integration with Jenkins. Get more information about CLI Tips for Import and export jobs in … [Read more...] about Basic guide to Import and export jobs in jenkins and Selenium
Different way to Scroll in Appium in Android and IOS devices.
Welcome back to Appium tutorials in this post we will discuss how to scroll in Appium. Recently I got an application where I had to scroll down to click on that element. I have worked on web application automation extensively so I used to do with JavaScript Executor. If you have never used Java Script Executor then I would highly recommend to check below the … [Read more...] about Different way to Scroll in Appium in Android and IOS devices.
Upload multiple files in Selenium webdriver using AutoIT
This is my one of my favorite topic Upload multiple files in Selenium using AutoIT. Recently in one of my requirement, we had to upload multiple times. We already know how to upload files in AutoIT but it is not recommended to create multiple AutoIT scripts for uploading files. We can also upload files in Selenium using Sikuli and Robot class as well but AutoIT … [Read more...] about Upload multiple files in Selenium webdriver using AutoIT
Write Dynamic CSS Selector in Selenium using multiple ways
Selenium supports multiple locators which will help you to identify web element and perform the operation based on your requirements.We will discuss about CSS Selector in Selenium and you will feel the importance of the same. Selenium supports 8 locators, please check below screenshot. This is one of the most frequent asked questions in interview … [Read more...] about Write Dynamic CSS Selector in Selenium using multiple ways
Automate Mobile native applications using Appium/Selenium
Today in this post you will get the complete information about how you can automate native application using Appium In previous, article we have already discussed installation and running tests on mobile chrome browser so before reading this article it is must to complete the previous post. Once you are done you need to download the apk file which you … [Read more...] about Automate Mobile native applications using Appium/Selenium