This is going to be one of the shortest posts of mine, but this post is quite important for those who are working with Selenium on the real time project because I will show you how to solve stale element reference exception in selenium webdriver. I am sure that you would have definitely faced StaleElemenet exception in Selenium Webdriver. I have seen so many exception in … [Read more...] about How to solve Stale Element Reference exception in Selenium Webdriver
How to execute testng.xml files using Java Program
In this post, we are going to discuss how to execute testng.xml files using Java Program. As we all know in Selenium webdriver can execute multiple test cases using testng.xml file and we can handle all test case execution via testng.xml file. If you are new in testng and not sure about testng.xml file then please check the below youtube video. How to create testng.xml … [Read more...] about How to execute testng.xml files using Java Program
How to create dependency between testcases in Selenium
I am sure you must be confused with Title like How to create a dependency between test cases in Selenium but in this post we will see this through example. In real time, you will come across many situation where you have to create test cases which are dependent on the previous test case. Take an example I have 3 test case. First one which verify login credential and … [Read more...] about How to create dependency between testcases in Selenium
Advance Selenium Reporting with Screenshots
Before moving to actual post hats off to the developer who actually developed this jar for advanced reporting. You must be wondering that why we need custom reporting because till now we have covered so many type of reporting like Default reporting by TestNG and XSLT report via ANT. Version 2 is updated. Kindly use new version 2 for new features. Before moving to this … [Read more...] about Advance Selenium Reporting with Screenshots
How to solve Element is not clickable at point in Selenium
I was very happy when I was working with Firefox on Windows, but in my organization, I came across through a requirement where I had to execute test case mainly on Chrome browser. I faced Element is not clickable at point in Selenium and I solved using different ways. If you want to start working with chrome then check below post to see how to work with Chrome … [Read more...] about How to solve Element is not clickable at point in Selenium