Hello, Welcome to Selenium tutorial, today we will discuss how to solve WebDriverException: f.QueryInterface is not a function. You will get this exception frequently while working with Selenium so we will discuss this exception in detail. Please refer below post if you are new in Selenium. 1- How to handle exception in Selenium. 2- Different Run time exception in … [Read more...] about How to solve WebDriverException: f.QueryInterface is not a function
Selenium maven build for Continuous Integration-CI
In previous post we have discussed Maven Integration with Selenium through Eclipse , Today we will discuss integrate selenium maven build and how to create maven build for continuous integration . Check Jenkins section to know more about CI. To create maven build we should have maven installed in our machine so let us start setting up maven. Note- You can check … [Read more...] about Selenium maven build for Continuous Integration-CI
Simple steps to Generate logs in Selenium using TestNG reporter
Logging is most important part in any automation tools which make our script in more readable format.Today we will discuss one easy way to Generate logs in Selenium via TestNG Reporter class. We have already seen some default reporting which is generated by TestNG and Advance XSLT reports as well. As a good automation engineer, you should implement logging feature in your … [Read more...] about Simple steps to Generate logs in Selenium using TestNG reporter
How to disable Selenium Testcases using TestNG Feature
Hello, Welcome to Selenium Tutorial, Today we are going to discuss very silent feature of TestNG which allow us to enable or disable our test case based on our requirement. Why to Disable Selenium Test cases? Before moving forward you should have Eclipse TestNG setup ready if still not configured then please do Selenium Eclipse setup now. Once our test suite size will … [Read more...] about How to disable Selenium Testcases using TestNG Feature
Selenium Advance Activity
Hello, Welcome to Selenium tutorial, today we will see how to perform advance activity in Selenium Webdriver. If you really want to automate critical applications, which include advance activity like Mouse Hover, Right click, Double click, Click and Hold, Keyboard activities and so on. You cannot automate Ajax application, which contains advance activity so let us have … [Read more...] about Selenium Advance Activity