Hello, Welcome to Selenium tutorials in this post we will see How to Handle Proxy in Selenium Webdriver.When you try to access some secure applications you will get proxy issues so many times. Until we do not set proxy, we cannot access the application itself. Some application also has SSL certificate enabled or you can say as the secure site like banking, insurance company … [Read more...] about How to Handle Proxy in Selenium Webdriver
Difference Between findelement and findelements in Selenium Webdriver
Hello Welcome to Selenium Tutorials, In this post, we will see what is the difference between FindElement and findElements in Selenium. Difference Between findelement and findelements in Selenium Webdriver findElement () will return only single WebElement and if that element is not located or we use some wrong selector then it will throw NoSuchElement … [Read more...] about Difference Between findelement and findelements in Selenium Webdriver
How to Integrate Sikuli with Selenium Webdriver
This article will help you to understand how we can integrate sikuli with selenium webdriver and how to start with automation testcases.Sikuli is another tool which is extremely useful in some cases. Integrate Sikuli with selenium webdriver When I started working with Selenium I used to face so many issues related to XPath and CSS so now we are going to remove all this from … [Read more...] about How to Integrate Sikuli with Selenium Webdriver
Upload Selenium Script to GITHUB using Eclipse
Hello Welcome to Selenium Tutorial, Today we will see Github Integration Eclipse with Selenium. If you are working with a team on a certain project then you need to have a central repository where all can store and commit their code as well as they can synchronize with each other. Github is a repository on web, which support all the feature of revision control and source … [Read more...] about Upload Selenium Script to GITHUB using Eclipse
Best way to execute selenium test on firefox browser
Hi Guys, I think you must be happy that you have completed your Selenium Webdriver Installation and now you are ready to execute selenium test on firefox browser. If you are new to Selenium and still have not completed installation part then no worry at all. Check below article which will help you with that- Install Selenium Webdriver in Windows Machine If … [Read more...] about Best way to execute selenium test on firefox browser