Hello Welcome to Selenium Tutorial, in this post How to read CSV files using Java and how we can use into our Selenium script. Selenium support only browser level automation and it does not have any API to read and write external data like Excel, Database so in previous post we have seen JExcel API and Apache POI. What is CSV files. CSV stands for comma separated … [Read more...] about How to read CSV files using Java
Upload file in Selenium webdriver using Robot class
Hello, Welcome to Selenium tutorials in this post we will see how to upload files in Selenium Webdriver using Robot class. When you start automating web applications then you will get many scenarios where you need to upload a single file or multiple files in order to continue the flow. If you click on file upload then the filer uploader model will appear which will ask to … [Read more...] about Upload file in Selenium webdriver using Robot class
how to create log files in selenium webdriver using Log4J
Hello welcome to Selenium Tutorials, in this post we will see how to create log files in selenium webdriver In Automation, reporting plays an important role so we can generate the different type of HTML reports, XSLT report, Log files etc. If you want to create enhanced report and with log attached to HTML report you can use extent report (I use this report) as … [Read more...] about how to create log files in selenium webdriver using Log4J
Read excel file in selenium using JExcel
Read excel file in selenium Hello Welcome in this post we will see how to Read excel file in selenium using Jexcel. As we, all know Selenium support only browser automation, so for reading and writing with Excel files we have to user third party API like JExcel and Apache POI. JExcel- JExcel is free API to work with Excel files; it comes with predefined method, classes … [Read more...] about Read excel file in selenium using JExcel
How to Generate XSLT Report in Selenium Webdriver
Hello Welcome to Selenium tutorial, in this post, we will see how to Generate XSLT Report in Selenium Webdriver. Any Automation without good reporting is of no use, When you integrate Selenium with TestNG you will get some default reports by TestNG which is very useful but still we can generate good reports via XSLT reporter or ATU reporter. Before we begin to XSLT post I … [Read more...] about How to Generate XSLT Report in Selenium Webdriver