In this post, I will show you couple of Challenges with IE browser in Selenium Webdriver. This post is going to use full for them who are working on Selenium with IE browsers and for them who are attending interviews because today we are going to discuss Issues with the IE browser. If you are new to Selenium and never worked on IE browser then checkout below video for IE … [Read more...] about Challenges with IE browser in Selenium Webdriver
How To Answer Tell Me Something About Yourself In Interview
Each one of us has faced an interview at some point in our lives. While giving an interview the most paralyzing question is 'Tell me something about yourself’? The beauty of this question is, this can either break or make your game. I still remember my first interview, I was so nervous and as many of you, I too was rambling and therefore started talking incoherently. That’s … [Read more...] about How To Answer Tell Me Something About Yourself In Interview
Advance Selenium Reporting with Screenshots Part 2
This post is focusing on extent report version 2 but we have new version of extent report 3 and 4 which you can refer using below post. Extent Report version 3 and 4 If you still want to use an older version then you can follow this post. You can check the detailed description about extent report from here- Extent Report Documentation I created a detailed Youtube … [Read more...] about Advance Selenium Reporting with Screenshots Part 2
Most Common Challenges You Faced in Selenium Automation
Selenium is an open-source test automation framework and it has its own advantage and disadvantage as well. Even if you take other automation tools like QTP, Katalon, Sahi, etc every single tool has some kind of limitation. Today I am going to discuss some challenges which we face in our day to day activity. The most common challenges you faced in Selenium Automation might … [Read more...] about Most Common Challenges You Faced in Selenium Automation
How to Capture Screenshot in Selenium Webdriver and Use in Reporting
Hello, welcome to Selenium tutorials, in this post we will see how to capture Screenshot in Selenium Webdriver and use the same screenshot for reporting or for bug reporting or for any purpose. In automation, it is mandatory to take the screenshot for verification so that it can prove also that your test case has covered certain functionality or not. Screenshots also help … [Read more...] about How to Capture Screenshot in Selenium Webdriver and Use in Reporting