Hello, Welcome to Selenium Tutorials, In this post, we will see how to use Robot class in Selenium Webdriver. I have used Robot class a couple of times in my test script and it worked well.
I uploaded one article on upload file using robot class How to upload files in Selenium using Robot class.
I have also used the Robot class for capturing screenshot as well which captures the complete screenshot of the window.
Robot Class in a separate class which is part of Java not a part of Selenium, Robot class is mainly created for automating Java Platform implementation.
This class has many inbuild method which helps us to perform our task.
Now let’s discuss Robot class in Webdriver.
Robot class is a separate class in Java which will allow us to perform multiple tasks based on our requirement. It generally will throw AWT exception so we need to deal with it accordingly.
Using Robot class, we can simulate keyboard event in Selenium.
To use keyboard events you have to use to a method of Robot class.
Methods of Robot Class
We also have to use KeyEvent which is a separate class which is responsible for keyStroke
Each key has to be press and release respectively
Let’s discuss the Scenario Which covers enter key
1-Open Facebook.
2- Enter Username and password.
3- Using the robot class press Enter button.
Program for Robot Class in Selenium Webdriver
package Robot_Class;
import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class TestLogin {
public void TestRobo()throws Exception
// Open Firefox
WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver();
// Maximize the window
// Open facebook
// Enter Username
// Enter password
// Create object of Robot class
Robot r=new Robot();
// Press Enter
// Release Enter
Limitation of Robot class
- Robot class works on the current window so if you have multiple window present or multiple browsers running your test then it may not behave as expected.
- If you are using X, Y coordinates for your test then the test will behave differently on different screens (resolution)
- If you are running your test in VM (virtual machine) then as well script failure is more.
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Really great blog related to robot class in selenium
Thanks, mukesh for this great robot class in selenium in java please provide same blog using python also thanks.
Hi there,
I’ll post for python soon…:)
Hi Mukesh,
I have a situation when I click a add button , it generates the Modal dialog with error message and I need acknowledge OK button. its working as expected in manual testing. But in automation I am not able to catch the same window. I am using Selenium and Java.
Hi Swamy, if that is in the same window then directly inspect and perform the operation.
Note- Please check frame as well
Thanks Mukesh.
How to upload multiple files at once using robot class.
Hi Pachiyappan,
Using robot class is kind of work around, I mean not strongly proven way. I would recommend you to use AutoIT for this purpose. Please check this link http://learn-automation.com/upload-multiple-files-in-selenium-webdriver/
Hello Mukesh,
Thanks for the suggestions that you are contributed here and would like to read this blog regularly to get more updates regarding Selenium.
Hi Swetha,
You are always welcome…:)
What is VK_ENTER over here?
Hi Satwik,
Its Virtual Key Enter
As per Java Standard we can say VK_ENTER is Enum Constant also.
In which java allows to access constants with Class Name directly.
Hi Bala,
I haven’t gone through this in detail. Please check this link https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/awt/event/KeyEvent.html
nice content..easily understandable.
pls post some postman tutorials for API testing & API Automation
Hi Seema,
Thanks for your comments…:)
Requested contents are already in pipeline.
Hi Mukesh,
Thanks for very well descripted selenium concepts.
Let me ask you, According to you which one should use mostly AutoIt or Robot class?
Thank you
Hi Prathamesh,
First of all thanks for your appreciation…:)
Now lets move to your doubts, I would recommend you to prefer AutoIt because it locates windows property very well while Robot is mostly used for keyboard event simulation which runs blindly(wherever mouse control lies on screen)
good contents post more like this.
Thanks Maruti…:)
It is really helpful. Thnaks
Hi Ankit,
Hi Mukesh!
Thanks a lot for your site and knowledge sharing!!
Hi Rahul,
Thanks for your overwhelming comments…:)
Actually i need to know the major difference between Robot Class and Action Class? when to use what ?
just let me know…..it will be helpful….
Hi Sidhartha,
Actions class comes from Selenium APIs which provides some advanced events like mouse hovering, drag-drop, double-click etc. while robot class comes from Java APIs purely to simulate keyboard and mouse events and other desktop screen related events. Actions class works only on Web UI while robot class works anywhere.
Hi Mukesh,
Thanks for making such a wonderful , informative videos.I am a big fan of your videos.All your videos are too good , simple and easy to understand.It is very much helpful.I always look for your videos Please keep posting the videos.Thanks a lot for the amazing work.
Hi Lakshmi,
Thanks for your valuable appreciation. I’ll always try my level best to serve my subscribers…:)
Hi Mukesh,
how do you identify the checkbox elements (TicketLess travel and Same as Billing address) on this page? They both have the same attributes.
Hi Rama,
Clicking on the checkbox is same like you click on any button or element.
Hi mukesh,
Your blogs are really good and helpful. Keep posting more and more content 🙂
can you pls upload a video for the current topic : What is Robot Class in Selenium Webdriver and Usage
Hi Sandeep,
I’ll will do it soon…:)
Hi sir,
which is the best class among three(AutoIT,
Sikulli,Robot) for uploading a file.
and what is the drawback of Robot class.
Hi Harshal,
Autoit is best option among all these on windows platform. And drawback of robot class is that it simulates only keyboard events which depends on control focus.
Hello Sir,
I want to use selenium code inside webapplication.
Like on webpage on button click open new url and perform click action there. Is it possible?
Hi mahesh,
Yes, it is possible. Please check this link http://learn-automation.com/handle-multiple-windows-in-selenium-webdriver/
hi Mukesh,
For uploading a file in selenium webdriver, which is best – Robot class or autoit ?
Hi Shriya,
AutoIT is best in windows environment else robot class.
Hello mukesh sir ,
Is too helpfull wbsite for learn automation thanks for share your knowledge
Thanks alot
Hi Shailendra,
Thanks for your comments.
Am I supposed to install any special jar or any other files for this method to work?
No James Robot class is part of Java AWT
Suppose i want to click on any key in keyboard and on any element through mouse..
Can we work on above scenario using Robot ???
Yes we can do that.
Nice Blog 🙂
Thanks Girish
Is the first line,
necessary for this code to work?
no it will work without span too
Hi Mukesh,
In above program you mentioned “@SuppressWarnings(“unused”)”. Could you please explain me what does that mean?
Hi Reshma,
This is optional using above code you wont find any warnings in ur code.
ok.Thank you.
In the above example , It is written that “KeyEvent.VK_ENTER”. I want to ask that what is VK_ENTER here? Can you please make me understand?
Hi Aileen,
Here VK stands for virtual keys.
Nice one..Thanks
Hi Manas,
Thanks 🙂
Hi Mukesh,
How the keyevent will work without specifying the locator of the webelement. How it know that it should click on the login button but not on the other button.
Hi Mani,
It will hit enter and by default it will hit login button. If you have multiple buttons then it won’t work.