In this post, I will cover frequently asked Selenium Interview questions and answers for fresher and experienced both.
The interview depends on a number of factors.
1- For which position you are applying.
2- Who is taking your interview?
3- For which company you are applying.
You must be wondering why I am covering all these factors right. I have taken a couple of interviews and based on my experience I will tell you what questions an interviewer might ask.
If you are applying for Sr Automation Engg, Lead or Test Manager then be ready with some high-level topics, which anyways I will be covering in this post.
However, if you are applying as a fresher, then you should be ready with some Java program and some Selenium related code.
Before getting started keep in mind that there is no hard and fast rule that, the interviewer will ask questions from a specific domain. It might cover multiple domains/tools.
Selenium Interview questions and answers
Download complete answers from here
Selenium Interview questions and answers
1- What is Selenium?
Ans- Selenium is a set of tools for automating web applications only. Yes, you heard it right, it can only automate web browsers.
Selenium consist of 4 components
Selenium IDE- It is called Selenium Integrated Development Environment which is basically a plugin in Firefox and Chrome. It does record and playback of manual steps that we perform on the browser.
Selenium RC– It is called Selenium Remote Control- Deprecated long back in 2014 and nobody uses Selenium RC so don’t worry about this part, we have so many other questions where we have to focus more.
Selenium WebDriver– It is a set of API which interacts with the browser using drivers. Selenium WebDriver API’s available for different language binding like Java, Python, C#, JavaScript, etc.
Selenium Grid– Selenium grid will help you to distribute the tests on different machines (we will call them as a node) which will allow us to run the test parallel mode. Parallel execution can reduce the overall execution time by 50-80 %.

2- Explain Selenium WebDriver architecture?
Ans- Selenium works for JSONWireProtocol
Selenium architecture includes Browser, Browser driver, Selenium Client, JSONWireProtocol. I have a detailed video on this.
3- Have you worked on different browsers? Have you ever performed Cross-browser testing?
Ans- Selenium supports multiple browsers like Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, and Safari browser. We can automate and execute the automated test on these browsers.
For each browser, we can set browser driver path with property and we can start the execution.
In order to run the test in a different browser, we can use TestNG and provide browser as the parameter and in the test, we can accept the parameter and trigger the test. I have a detailed article with a video that will cover Cross-browser testing.
4- What type of test you have automated?
Ans- Using Selenium we can automate only functional test scenarios. If you have to perform any other non-functional test like security test, performance test, etc then you have to pick a different set of tools.
Using Selenium webdriver we can perform regression testing, smoke testing, and End to End test scenarios.
5- How many test cases you have automated per day?
Ans- It totally depends on your manual test scenarios’ length and complexity. Sometimes we can automate 3-4 test cases per day which have limited steps and few validations. Few test scenarios may take 1 day or more than one day as well.
It totally depends on test case complexity, so give some numbers which justify your experience.
6- Have you created any framework? Which framework have you used?
Ans- Your answer should be always yes if you say that you have never worked or created any framework then chances of rejection is high. You can say yes and mention about the framework like Data-Driven Framework or Hybrid framework.
7- Can you please explain framework architecture?
Ans- This question can change the complete direction of your interview so please ask for a pen and paper and explain the framework architecture.
The framework can be divided into different sections.
You can explain about each section in detail and need of each component.
This is how you can explain the framework- We use a hybrid framework for test automation where we have used Page Object Model as a design pattern, TestNG as the unit test framework, Maven as build tool and Jenkins for execution. We use pages (Java classes) to store locators and methods to access the locator and perform the activity. We also have a library (reusable method) that helps us to avoid duplicate code and maintains the script with less effort. We also use third-party libraries like AutoIT to handle windows related activity and apache poi to perform excel operations and extent reports for reporting which takes care of logs and HTML reports.
Note- Please be ready with your framework and all components which you have used.
8- What is POM (Page Object Model) and what is the need of it?
Ans- Page Object Model is one of the design patterns of Java which allows us to keep the locators and activity in different classes. It allows us to write readable code, locator duplicates, and less maintenance. You can read more about the page object model from here with posts and videos.
9- What are the challenges you have faced while automating your application?
Ans- Selenium is an open-source tool and works with browsers, nowadays web applications are getting build on the new frameworks like AngularJS, BootStrap, HTML5 and many more. Selenium has few challenges and we can handle them easily with proper knowledge skillset.
These are some of the common issues or challenges that we face while working with Selenium
a- Sync issues- Most of the time scripts fails because of sync issues like some element is rendering after specific time or after some events in that cases if don’t handle such dynamic scenarios then the script goes in a failure state. In my past experience, 80% script fails due to sync issues.
b- Integration with other tools and compatibility- We need to integrate our framework with maven, TestNG, Jenkins and other tools which creates conflict because of version compatibilities.
c-Dynamic locators or Smart locators- If we don’t keep dynamic locators for dynamic elements then script failure chances are high. Writing and maintaining locators can be challenging sometimes.
d- Cross Browser testing- Many times we need to run the test on the different browsers with few changes in locators.
e- Handling Windows activity
f- Framework enhancement
g-Lack of transparency
h- Complex programming
I have written a detailed guide on these points.
11- What are the different type of exception available in Selenium? Have you faced any exception while automation?
12- What is Alert window/ JavaScript Alert and How to handle alert in Selenium Webdriver?
13- How to handle multiple windows in Selenium?
14- Have you ever worked on frames? In addition, how to handle frames in Selenium?
15- What are different locators available in Selenium?
16- Can you please explain XPATH and CSS technique? How to handle dynamic changing elements?
17- How to verify checkbox (any element) is enable/disabled/ checked/Unchecked/ displayed/ not displayed?
18- How to work with the dropdown?
19- Have you worked with Web table (Calendar)? If yes then what was your approach.
20- Can you tell me some navigation commands?
21- Difference between QUIT and Close?
22- Can you find the number of links available on Webpage? In addition, How to find broken link on Webpage?
23- What is Page Load Timeout?
24- Can you explain implicit wait, explicit wait and fluent wait and what is the difference between all of them? Which one have you used frequently?
25- What is JavaScript Executor and where you have used JavaScript executor?
26- How to capture Screenshot in Selenium? Can we capture screenshot only when a test fails?
27- What is Web Driver Listener and Usage of the same?
28-How to scroll in Selenium Webdriver?
29- Can you write login script for Gmail or any other application?
30- How to upload files in Selenium? Have you ever used AutoIT?
31- How to handle untrusted Certificate in Selenium?
32- How to handle window authentication window in Selenium Webdriver?
33- What is Firefox Profile?
34- What are the issues or Challenges you faced while working with IE Browser?
35- Have you ever faced any proxy issue if yes then how you handled?
36- What is Actions class in Selenium (How to perform Mouse Hover, Keyboard events, DragAndDrop etc?)
37- Do we have object repository concept in Selenium if yes then please explain how we can achieve it?
38- What is Headless testing? Can we capture Screenshot in Headless mode?
39-Diffrence between findElement and FindElements?
40- Can we highlight Element in Selenium?
41- What is log4j And How to generate log files in Selenium?
42-How to capture Page title, tooltip and error message and how to verify them?
43-How to download files in Selenium?
44- Have you ever performed Database testing in Selenium?
45- Have you integrated Selenium with other tools like Sikuli, Ant, Maven, and Jenkins? If yes then how you have used them?
46- Does Selenium support Mobile Automation if yes the How?
47- What is Limitation of Selenium?
48- Have you ever heard of POC? What is POC?
49- What is ATLC (Automation Test life Cycle)?
50- What is Automation Test Plan?
51- What is ROI (Return of Investment) in Automation?
Selenium Webdriver/RC/IDE Interview questions and Answers
All these questions that we discussed now that is the combination of all level (Beginner, Advance).
They will definitely ask so many questions from Framework itself and they will try to drag you in this topics because most of the people will stuck and the interviewer will get to know that person has actually worked on Selenium or not.
Please make sure you are giving proper answer
52- Have you designed framework in your team or you are using existing framework, which already implemented by other members.
53- Can you create the design of your framework?
54- Which framework you have used and why?
55- Can you create one sample script using your framework?
There is again no limitation or specific question so be ready with any type of question but make sure whenever you are giving an answer it should have a valid point or you can directly say that I am not sure about it.
Selenium Interview questions and answers
If you answer 6-7 out of 10 then it is enough.
We have more question for you, which you must know because we all have worked on TestNG with Selenium and it is one of my favorite Tool, which I have used it with Selenium and I really enjoyed a lot.
Since TestNG is not a very big tool so do not worry about it and it has very good documentation on their official site so if you want to check then check out below link – http://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html
Here is a list of questions for TestNG
56- What is TestNG?
57- Why you have used TestNG in your framework? Can you compare JUNIT with TestNG framework?
58- What are different annotation present in TestNG?
59- What is priority feature in TestNG? In addition, how we can use this?
60- What is dependsOnMethods and depends on group feature in TestNG?
61- What is testng.xml file in TestNG?
62- How to group test cases in TestNG?
63- How to execute multiple test cases in Selenium?
64- How to execute parallel test cases in Selenium?
65- What is TestNG listener?
66- What is Data provider in TestNG?
67- How to disable particular test case?
68- How to generate reports in TestNG?
69- How to generate log in TestNG?
70- How to execute only failed test cases in Selenium?
Now if an interviewer having good knowledge on Selenium and have worked on different tools then be ready with other question too that will be related to Selenium only.
We have so many tools in the market that we can integrate with Selenium like Maven, Sikuli, Jenkins, AutoIT, Ant and so on.
I will try to summarize question-based on the tools, which I have used.
71- Can you please explain what is apache maven and Apache ant?
72- Do you have used Maven project in your organization? If yes then have you created build to execute your test?
73- What is the difference between Simple Java project and Maven Project?
74- What are different goal present in Maven?
75- Can you please explain Maven life cycle?
76- Have you heard of Sikuli? If yes, can you please explain what exactly Sikuli does?
78- Advantage of Sikuli, Limitation of Sikuli.
79- How to integrate Sikuli with Selenium script?
80- Can you tell us the scenario where you have used Sikuli with Selenium?
This is very vast topic and very interested but as an automation tester, you will use it based on requirement
81- What is CI (Continuous integration) and what are different tools available in the market.
82- How to integrate Jenkins with Selenium?
83- How to schedule test cases for nightly execution?
84- Can you send email through Jenkins?
85-Jenkins master-slave concept and so on?
Random Questions
86- What is robot class and where have we used this in Selenium?
87- Be ready with some basic Java programs which every automation Engg should know
Like string reverse , count the number of characters in a given string and so on.
If you will apply for Amazon, Flipkart then makes sure you know Data structure very well because question level will be very high.
88- List down all locator with performance.
89- Find broken links on the Web page.
90- How to read write excel files using Apache POI.
91- Have you ever done connection with Database using JDBC?
92- Read CSV files.
93- How to read properties files in Selenium?
94- Does Selenium support mobile automation?
Ans- Selenium support mobile automation using Selendroid and Appium.
95- What is Selendroid?
Ans- Selendroid is an API to automate android mobile application. It will only work with API level 18 and if you have android version 19 or above then you have to use Appium.
96- What is Appium?
Ans- Appium is API to automate mobile applications on Android and IOS Platform. you can check complete tutorial from below link.
Basic appium tutorial for mobile automation.
97- What is same origin policy in Selenium?
98- What is Selenium grid, hub, node and commands that used in Selenium Grid?
99-What is the difference between / and // in XPATH?
Ans- This is very easy as compared to others 🙂 / refer to next element just after the parent and // refer to all child element after the parent element.
Different ways to write Dynamic xpath in Selenium
100- Can we automate Flash application in Selenium?
Ans- Yes partially we can do. We have some API which allows you to automate flash application. I have posted article long back which will cover the same. Kindly refer below link.
Simple API to automate Flash Application.
I hope above question will help you. Feel free to comment below if any doubt or query.
If you want to add any questions that I have missed out then suggest me in the comment section so that I can add for others too.
Finally Best of Luck 🙂
thank you mukesh sir for this useful question and answers
Nicely Explained)))
Hi Mukesh,
These are very useful questions. But could you please provide the answers also than it could be more useful and easy 🙂
Hi Vishakha,
Answers link is already available on-page. For your easiness, here is the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5v_nInLNoquel9ZVnFhNklQRVU/view?usp=sharing
thanks a lot sir .you are the best
thanks you so much mukesh your given a valuable info but could u pls provide the answers as well for the above questions , it is very help full to us
Sure Vishwa, I will update the answers soon. Best of luck for the interview.
Thanks Mukesh.. I find it is very useful for interview preparation.
Hi Sathish,
You are welcome…:)
Thanks Mukesh it is very useful for the interview
Thanks Raghavender…:)
Hi Mukesh,
This is very helpful for us but i have little concern, please provide all the answers by your way
Hi Anafis,
I’ll post another content on interview questions soon…:)
ok thank you
such a great work,. thanku so much
You are welcome…:)
Hello sir this is Satya ,the you tube video is not available ,so from where can I get the answers for the above questions?
Hi Satya,
Please check this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5v_nInLNoquel9ZVnFhNklQRVU/view
Thank you so much Mukesh. You covered almost all questions in Selenium. These are really useful for us to prepare for interview Great work!
Hi Satveer,
You are always welcome…:)
Thank u sir
You are welcome.
Thank you very much Sir…….
Thanks Vikas…
Really helpful stuff yaar ! Thanku so much .
Welcome Surendra keep visiting.
Wow.. Beautiful. Thanks a lot for your effort. I appreciate.
Thank you Jazz. Keep visiting.
hi mukesh for 1 year experience this questions enough or any stuff us there to learn
Very very useful link. You have covered to give all the possible interview questions. Thanks for the wonderful effort
Your most welcome Nikhitha 🙂 Happy Navratri.
Let me know if any help required from Selenium.
Hi Mukesh,
Thanks for the interview Question. It is very helpful to me.
Please mail me the answers of this all question.
Hi Shruthi,
I have link for document in post itself. Kindly check and download the document.
Hello Mukesh,
What are the challenges you have faced while automating your application?
Please help me to know answer of this question…In one interview,interviewer asked the same question to me & i am not able to give answer of this question…
Answer is updated in document. Kindly check the doc as well.
Hi Mukesh,
Your youtube videos and your website help me a lot to learn Selenium.Interview-question-answer section is awesome.Thank you so much for helping so many guys who wants to learn automation.:)
Thanks Priti 🙂 Glad to know that You liked all. keep learning and keep sharing.
Hi Mukesh,
I have the Java code:
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
public class myone {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
WebDriver Driver = new FirefoxDriver();
It is opening up the firfox broweser and stops there and not opening osu.edu.
error message
Sep 23, 2016 12:07:35 PM org.openqa.selenium.remote.ProtocolHandshake createSession
INFO: Attempting bi-dialect session, assuming Postel’s Law holds true on the remote end
1474646857287 Marionette INFO Listening on port 50408
1474646859975 Marionette INFO startBrowser 2613fd2c-ff33-454b-b806-c4abfa74fe91
Sep 23, 2016 12:07:40 PM org.openqa.selenium.remote.ProtocolHandshake createSession
INFO: Detected dialect: W3C
JavaScript error: chrome://marionette/content/listener.js, line 958: NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI:
Hi Ganesh,
try to open https://www.osu.edu/ in get method.
Hello MukeshSir,
Osm and really very very helpful content on Selenium.
Can you pls send me answers of all above interview questions at raviraj.parmar1290@gmail.com
Hi Ravi,
Download link is already given in the post. Kindly check.
Hi Mukesh,
Your way of Teaching is Excellent….Thank You So much For providing Such a brilliant Video’s.Could you please send answers for those questions.
Most welcome Kiran 🙂 Answer download link is in the article itself. Kindly check.
Hi.. please send me the answers
Hi Sowmya,
Post updated with the download link.
HI Mahesh,
Can you please send me the answers for all questions.
Hi Mani,
Post updated with download link.
Really nice set of interview questions. Please tell how to join the email list to get the answers for all the questions.
Hi Mukesh,
Can you please send Selenium & Manual Testing interview question and answers via email?
Hi Ravi,
Post updated with the download link.
Really helpful questions. Can you please send me the answers for these.
Hi Pankaj,
Post updated with download link
Can you Please send the answers
Hi Sowmya,
Post updated with the download link.
Really nice set of interview questions. Can you please send me the answer for all questions. I have joined the mailing list
Thank you so much in advance.
Thanks and Sent
Hi Mukesh,
I am preparing for the interview, Can you send me the answers document for the interview questions?
Hi Nandeesha,
Post updated with download link
Hi Mukesh,
Thanks for your videos and interview questions.can you please email me answers
Post updated with download link
They are very good set of questions.I am preparing for interview.Can you please send me the answers for all questions.
Thank u so much in advance.
Hi Ranjitha,
You can join mailing list to get Answers 🙂
Hi Mukesh,
Thanks alot for such a nice blog, is it possibel for you to send answers of all these questions
Hi Rohini,
post updated with download link
Please share the answers. I have signed up to news letters
Hi Ashish,
Post updated with download link
Hi Mukesh,
Please send the doc file with answers. Nice set of questions
Hi Ravi,
Post updated with download link
HI Sir,
Is it possible to Automate the Bargraph with out having ToolTip??Please Provide the Solution ….
Bargraph we can not automate using Selenium
Hi Sir,
Your way of Teaching is Awesome & Excellent….Thank You So much For providing Such a brilliant Video’s
Thanks HariniShree 🙂
Hi Mukesh,
I need the answer doc.
Please provide asap.
Hi Gaurav,
Post updated with download link
Hi Mukesh,
Please guide how to join mailing list or where can i get answers for the above mention question ,
Hi Saurav,
Post updated with download link
HI mukesh
This is Anji, I get lot of information in your site, But I joined in mailling list but not recived answers could you plz send me.
Hi Anji,
Post updated with download link
Hello Mukesh,
Thank you very much for the interview questions.
I already joined the email list.Can you please send me answers of these questions?
Post updated with download link.
Hi Mukesh , your blog is awesome.I watched all of the videos were very helpful for me to learn selenium. Could you please send me answers of theses interview questions.
Thanks Shambhavi 🙂 post updated with download link
Hi Mukesh,
Thanks for uploading the question and helping us , can you kindly send me the answers for the above mentioned interview questions .
Post updated with download link
Please tell me how to join the email list to get the answers for all those questions.
Hey Mounika,
Did u get the answers?
Please send the doc file with answers. Nice set of questions.
Hi Jackie,
You can join mailing list to get answers.
HI Mukhesh,
I have been following your videos and they are very helpful. The way you explain is very keen and understandable.Could you please share me the answers
Thanks Swetha 🙂 Hope you have joined the mailing list.
Hi Mukesh,
Thanks for the interview Question. It is very helpful to me.
Please mail me the answers of this all question.
I have already joined the mailing list
thanks & Regards,
Hi Dipu,
Hi ,mukesh
I like the way u explain the concepts, it’s like a spoon feeding.
thank you for updating these questions, really its very helpful and i am preparing for interview could you please email me the answers ?
Thanks in Advance 🙂
Thanks Vidya, You can join my blog mailing list. You will get all answers in mail with doc
Thanks alot mukesh, i got the answers…:-)
Welcome Vidya
Hi Mukesh,
You did a awesome work. Please provide me answers for the questions
Thanks you.
Hey Keerthana,
Thank you. You can join blog mailing list to get the answers.
Hello Mukesh,
Thank you very much for the interview questions.
I already joined the email list.Can you please send me answers of these questions?
Hi Zhu,
Hello Mukesh,
These questions are very helpful for interview.
Can you please send me answers of these questions?
Sent 🙂
Hi Mukesh,
I am referring many websites daily for Selenium concepts. Today first time I came to know the greatest site which has complete information. I have gone through many of the topics/concepts from your site. Its fantastic. There is no words to compare it is such informative and very detailed explanation.
I have subscribed in your site.
Please share the Answers for the above FAQ’s and as well as PDF or Word documents.
I have copied many of the topics, still I want the actual files, because I may miss the many topics.
Hi Sreeni,
Sent kindly check.
This link on StackOverflow is not working.
Please do let me know how to handle calendar popup in wendriver
Hi Ruchi,
Updated the link 🙂 Thanks for update.
Waiting for the answers.
Hi Mukesh,
I really liked your videos and following your blog daily whenever new videos gets uploaded.
Can you share the answers for the above questions please.
Hi Hemanth,
you can join blog mailing list to get answers.
Hi Mukesh,
Thanks for the interview Question
Please mail me the answers of this all question.
(i have already joined the mailing list)
Hey Mukesh ,
I have been watching your videos from long time . you are the solid guy … Excellent Work !
If possible can you email me with those answers 🙁
Thanks & Regards
Ranjit Koppula
Very useful content.
I like so much.
Thanks so much for your effort Mukesh.
Can you send answers for these questions?
Hi Ashok,
Kindly join the mailing list of my blog and when u join I will send all question in doc file 🙂
good work mukhesh…ur teaching way is excellent…easy to understand thank u
Thanks vishwanath 🙂
Hello Mukesh,
Very Easy way of presentation.I have learnt alots.
Could you please send me Selenium Interview Q&A.
Hey Amit,
Thanks 🙂 You can join mailing list of my blog and once you join you will get all answers in doc file in your email.
Hi mukesh…..
How to get Answers for those questions…??
Hi Praveen once you join mailing list you will get all answers in email.
Hi Mukesh ,
Thanks a lot for all these stuff can you post some Java questions too which are asked in Selenium interviews .
Thanks in advance
Most welcome Ashish and glad to know you found it usefull.
Hi Mukesh ,
good evening,
You r doing good job for who are seeking for job.really it will very helpful to us.
I have a lots of interview question with me based on company name, i ll share all the question to u can u post all the question here with answers.
god bless you,
Hey Ranjith,
Thank you so much 🙂 Kindly share it will be really useful for others too.
Hi Mukesh,
why do w e use public static void main(String[] args) and can u explain clearly mainly why do we use (String[] args) there.
Hey Ranjith,
It means we can pass many parameters from cmd and we can use in our program. I will create short video on this and will show how it works.
Thanks Mukesh.
welcome mate
can u send the ans. for these questions
Once you join mailing list you will get all answer in doc file.
Hi Maukesh ,
Please provide me the answers of questions .I joined the mailing list .
sent to email. Kindly check.
Hi Mukesh,
Could you please provide me answers to all above questions.
Thanks in Advance
Hey Aamer,
You can subscribe to blog and you will get all answers in email
Hi Mukesh,
Used follow your website and youtube videos very regularly, These are really helpful.
Could you please provide answers to these questions it will be helpful very much.
Kindly do the needful.
Thanks in Advance,
I have all question in doc once you subscribe to my blog you will get all Q&A in mail.
Hi Mukesh,
Your blogs are really really very good and easy to understand. You are doing a very good job. Keep it up and stay blessed.
Please update the answers of above questions.
Thanks Prashant 🙂 You can get answers in email once you will subscribe to my email list in my blog.
Please could you please send or post the answers. Thanks in advance.
Hey Nitish,
Join mailing list to get answers http://learn-automation.com/
Hay Mukesh ,
thank you for sharing the question and answers , its very helpful . and please share the remaining answer .
Hey Nitu,
Join mailing list to get answers http://learn-automation.com/
Hi Mukesh,
Great work 🙂
Can you please post the answers to these interview questions?
Hey Shreya,
Join our mailing list to get answer 🙂
Hi Mukesh,
Very helpful to crack interviews. Please answer,, Explain hybrid framework architecture?
Hey Neha,
I will share doc with you that will contain all the answers 🙂
Hi mukesh
Please provide answers for these Questions.
Hi Mukesh,
Recently I faced the question in selenium interview like: Explain the steps involeved in deployment of test cases to the client./ How you are deploying the test cases to the client. How to answer this question. Thanks in advance.
Hey Yogesh,
I always use github to upload my test and for test execution Jenkins. You can also implement the same.
how to catch PHP errors in selenium using java? This is the link for webpage:
I am new to selenium so please help me on this.
Hi Shaifali,
Please use getPageSource() method this will get the source and then you can use Assertion of TestNG to verify the same.
Try and let me know if you are still facing the same issue.
Thanks Mukesh ,these questions are good for me,but i need answers
will upload soon.
Hi Mukesh,
Recently I was looking a youtube video of yours and by that I came to know about your blog on selemium. wonderful work done by covering all the topics in detail. Thanks a lot.
In this page, there are so many unanswered interview questions and “coming soon” answers.
It would be great if you answer those as well.
Many Thanks.
What is the exact answer for the question: What framework you used for automation?
Ans 1: Data driven framework, Keyword driven framework.
Ans 2: TestNG.
I am very confused. Some blogs mentioned Ans1 and some Ans2
Hi Yogesh,
Answer should be using TestNG framework we have created Hybrid framework.
Thanks, You are the man and just brilliant, this is what the social service is :).
Hi Ram,
Thanks you keep visiting and let me know if any help from my side.
Hi Mukesh,
I was asked how to implement abstract methods in Selenium which I was not able to.I know what abstract methods are and we can implement them using extends keyword.But are there any specific abstract methods that are implemented in selenium only?Could you please help more on this topic?
Hi Mukesh, Simply superb site to learn automation. Can you please post the answers to questions 7 to 11
Hi Shantosh,
Not yet.
Hello sir
Your youtube videos and topics in ur website help me a lot to enhance my knowledge.Thanks a lot For sharing ur knowledge.Please upload hybrid framework videos .
Hi Bibhuti,
Thanks a ton.For hybrid framework will upload video soon.
what happens if we replace single slash(/) with double slash(//) in xpath?it will throw error or what?
Hi Sudheer,
Please refer below post for more detail http://learn-automation.com/how-to-write-dynamic-xpath-in-selenium/
Hi Mukesh,Your blog is simply awesome. waiting for more videos.I subscribed to your YT channel and soon i get the notification from yt channel,ill see up the video and practice it parallely.Waiting for your ‘Coming soon’ answers man.Thanks for your work mate.
Hi Mahesh,
Thanks a lot. I have so many videos in pipeline will upload soon.
These questions made my day
Thanks Jay 🙂
wikipedia of automation
Thanks a ton Navya
which protocol used in se
JSON Wireless protocol
we perform se testing in local machine or virtual machine
Hi Sudheer,
It totally depends. If company wants to run nightly build then go with VM machine or else local machine.
what type of protocol used in se?
JSO Wireless protocol
Most Powerfull blog good sir keep up the good work
Thanks Varadaraj
Yes, We are waiting for your answers
Hi Vineeth,
What questions answer you are not getting?
Hi mukesh need answers for above mentioned questions . Please update them . Thanks in advance.
i got as question like .for eg.in an app.there are three objects.under every object there is button like ‘add to cart’.i want to press “add to cart button” under c only without seeing xpath.is it possible if yes plz tell me.(without pressing the “add to cart button “under a and b?
please share the answers
Hi RK,
will upload soon
can we write x path without help of firebug
Hi Bhaskar,
Yes you can press f12 and then you can use XPATH but you wont be check whether it is valid or not.
Hi Mukesh,
your site is really help full ,and waiting for answers to mentioned questions
Thank you,
Hi Mahender,
will update soon.
Hello Mukesh I have been working with Selenium for quite some time and I trying to make a career in it; My question is
In the current market is java enough for selenium or do I need to learn more languages?
Hi Sooraj,
Java is on top but you want to learn another language too then go with Python.
Currently Java with Selenium is in high demand.
Hi Mukesh,
Your blog, video is really nice, need some more on mobile testing and SOUPUI…
Please when possible for you give the all answer the above questions. Its going to really helpful for me and all frinds who preparing for interview follow you.
Hi Dipyog,
I will update ASAP.
Hi Mukesh,
This was a great stuff from you. It would be better if you could provide the answers for questions like
Framework architecture, POM, Framework used in the project etc..
Waiting eagerly for the answers:-)
Please keep posting the stuff like the above ones..
Hi Sai,
I have so much but everything is in Pipeline. Will upload soon.
Hi Mukesh,
Its really awesome initiation from you.
Yeah i dont think there will be more than this any body expect in selenium,great job man.
Highly appreciated and waiting to read more article from you.
Hi Mishra ji,
Thank you 🙂
Keep visiting
Please share the answers
Please share me the answers for the above provided selenium Interview questions.
Hi Bhanu,
I am working on it will update soon.
Hi Mukesh,
Selenium Interview Questions are very useful to me, please update the answers.
Pls upload the answer
Thank you Mukesh, the questions are very useful for me but waiting for answers.Cover some java basic Q & A it will help us.
Hi Bhaskar,
I will upload soon.
Hi Mukesh,
I’ll be waiting for answers to all these questions for Selenium please reply.
Thank you.
Hi Hemant,
I will update soon by this weekend.
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thanks Atul
Hi Mukesh,
I’ll be waiting for answers to all these questions. 🙂
Thank you.