Selenium Video tutorials and other tutorials can help you to get a better job or you can perform well in your existing job as well.I have created 3 playlist which covers Java,Selenium, Cucumber BDD,Appium, SoapUI.
Please check the below playlist and feel free to comment in case any doubt/issue/clarification.
Selenium Video tutorials
Some introduction about my YouTube videos- I started youtube videos 3 years back I have uploaded all videos based on my experiences and you may also find some videos are old so some tools UI will change but the concepts will remain same.
I would suggest you go through videos one by one without skipping any video because you don’t know one video can change your complete interview as well.
How to start Selenium Video tutorials
Step 1-Sit back and Start with Java videos and practice each and every concept because we will use all of them one by one in Selenium Webdriver lesson.
Selenium or any other tool is not one day task so you have to keep practicing and learn new thing daily.
Step 2- Once you are done with Java now you can start with Selenium Basic videos and start automating them one by one and if you get stuck then post your doubt in my Selenium Facebook group
Step 3- Once you are done with Selenium videos then dont stop here. If you check current market condition then you should know multiple tools not only Selenium so after Selenium I would suggest you to Appium for mobile automation.
If you know Selenium then appium will not take much time because we can use all Selenium libraries here.
Step 4- After Appium you can start Cucumber BDD framework (most popular). Cucumber use Selenium only so you won’t find much issues here.
Step 5- It’s time to start API/ Web Services Testing with SoapUI.
If you can follow this then you will become complete package for Test Automation.
Java tutorials for Selenium Webdriver
Selenium Webdriver Tutorial Playlist
Appium Tutorial for Mobile Automation
Cucumber-JVM Videos- BDD Framework
SoapUI Tutorial for Web Services Automation
Katalon Studio Tutorial
Hi Mukesk..
I am following ur selenium videos. very easy to understand. want to ask you do you have any related notes for selenium, so that i can refer to it or any suggestions ?
Thank you so much
Hi Ajay,
Once you subscribe my blog with valid email id then you will get Selenium handbook link in confirmation email…:)
Hi Sir,
Could you please share me the Selenium HandBook link.
Hi Ayyappa,
Once you subscribe my blog updates, you will get link of those book on your provided email address
Hi Mukesh,
I am following your all selenium automation video and now looking for cucumber excel integration. for picking input data from excel sheet but i didn’t found any video for same.
Please let me know if you have the same or have plan to create that.
I am waiting for your positive response.
Hi Ajay,
As of now, I don’t have any video for excel integration with cucumber. But you can refer http://learn-automation.com/read-and-write-excel-files-in-selenium/ which is again programming logic only.
Can you please guide me for Jmeter integration with selenium webdriver??
Hi Rashmi,
I’ll post about this topic very soon…:)
I am learning selenium using python. Do you have any tutorial which teaches selenium using python.
Do let me know
Hi Richa,
We will upload it soon…:)
Hi mukesh, Can you suggest me the selenium version, ff version and jdk which are good to work. Since i am facing issues in new versions. Thank you in advance.
Hi Lavanya,
Java, I would recommend you to go for JDK 1.8.
For FF and Selenium, you can go for latest version.
Hello Sir,
I watched your video on how to write selenium script in chrome brwoser.
Here is my code:
public class SeleniumFB {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.setProperty(“webdriver.chrome.driver”, “D:\\Drivers\\chromedriver.exe”);
WebDriver driver= new ChromeDriver();
But I am getting the foll error:
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method com.google.common.util.concurrent.SimpleTimeLimiter.(Ljava/util/concurrent/ExecutorService;)V from class org.openqa.selenium.net.UrlChecker
Request you to help me in getting it resolved.
Thanks in advance
Hi Eisha,
Which version of Selenium you have used?
I initialized byte as byte c=(byte) 130;
but the output i am getting is -126.
Why is that so.
Hi Asha,
Please check this link http://www.javawithus.com/tutorial/casting
Hi Mukesh,
I just started learning Atomation and your videos are awsome. Thank you:)
Hi Ramesha,
Very very thanks for your comments. Keep learning…:)
Hi mukesh,
Your videos are really helpful.
I am not sure if you have a separate link for full java videos.
I would like to learn more in java as I am still begineer in java.
Hi Ana,
You can refer all videos over here https://www.youtube.com/c/mukeshotwani/playlists
Hey Hi Mukesh ,
I have downloaded autoit in my system(32bit) and when I Tried to open “Au3Info_x64” it shows error as “not compatible with the system”. I also searched for 32 bit autoit download but not able to find the same. Could you pls help me out in this.
Thanking you in advance.
Hi Akanksha,
Please check this link
Hi mukesh,
could you upload the video for database connection using oracle in selenium.
Hi Muthu,
I’ll upload it soon…:)
Hi Mukesh,
Thanks for helping us so much ,i started watching you videos ,all are awesome!
Could you please upload some videos on TDD and BDD.
Hi Vandana,
I’ll upload these soon…:)
Awesome … I liked and its very informative. Keep posting. Appreciate all your effort
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for your appreciation. Keep visiting my blog for more updates…:)
Hello, Mukesh sir
I was wondering if I could get a video on complete testing i.e web service because sometimes I got confused from where to start testing and where to end. So a video guiding the steps would be helpful
Hi Vishesh,
Very soon, I’ll post videos of same.
Hello Mukesh,
Looking at your selenium webdriver playlist tutorials, are those the videos for the complete selenium training?
Hi Israel,
I uploaded few on YouTube for demo purpose. In training session, selenium course will be from basic to advance.
Hi I am a fresher and i want to learn Automation testing but here one thing is i am from non IT background. But I am very eager to learn selenium webdriver. Now currently I am working as a manual Test Engineer. So please help me how to start selenium web driver and best way to practise i know selenium concepts and but i don’t know how to design framework so please help me to learn slelenium
Hi Mahendra,
First of all you should have bit strong command in programming logic which will be used in Selenium framework/script creation then only I would suggest you to get into Selenium stuffs. This link would help you.
Hi Mukesh, I am working on a Keyword word driven framework. I have the following questions:
1. My chrome browser does not start after executing 3-4 tests. The chromedriver.exe is started but the browser does not instantiate. How do i resolve this? Selenium JAR – v3.4 and Chrome – v58
2. Each test case has atleast 10 test steps which when executed is set to pass or fail status. How do we create HTML report for the such keyword driven framework? The TestNG reports only work when all the function steps are written in the same class.
Hi Anup,
For 1. Please debug your code, there could be chance of null value getting assigned to driver object.
For 2. Keep test case at different sheets. Use Apache POI to set status i.e. PASS or FAIL. Return PASS or FAIL status from keyword method. Mention all these keyword under @Test.
can you have a solution for the error org.tesing.TestNGException
Hi Sonali,
There are lot of scenarios which can create this exception. Please elaborate your scenario.
Hi Mukesh,
I have gone through your most of the videos of Webdriver… you have explained very clearly each concepts.. thanks a lot for that..
One request from my side can you please order the videos in it… I while going through videos it is mentioned as part2 will be next but it played something else… I am getting confused because of that..
Thanks in advance,
Hi Jayanthi,
Could you please send me the link of same.
Hi ,
I’m unable to locate element from angular js page in webdriber, can you please help?
Hi Sagar,
This is why Google has come up with a tool called Protractor which works on NodeJS framework and provides extra locator such as model, binding etc. But still you can navigate through DOM structure as usual.
Hi mukesh
I want to become a complete automation tester having 6 yrs in manual testing struggling to get into automation,i m currently jobless be of only automation which I don’t know,planning to change my line from testing to sales force crm,i am not getting job since Nov 2016 to till date on only manual testing profile as all the organization are looking for automation testers,i watched ur one of the video where u explanation is very clear and interesting.can u plz help me in my journey of becoming automation tester
Can u plz share all the videos from basics so that I can just follow and learn from them.plz help me.
Hi Rani,
This is my youtube playlist. Start from Java Basics tutorial https://www.youtube.com/user/MrBantu50/playlists
Cold you explain how to handle dynamic tables in frames ?
Hi NAren,
Dynamic xpaths can help you to iterate through webtables.
Yes Naveen, here is the link http://learn-automation.com/data-driven-framework-in-selenium-webdriver/
great job done Mukesh very help full
Hi Hina,
Thanks for your comments…:)
Hi Muhesh,
I am running some test scripts in the vpn /client environmnet, those test cases are not able to run in through jenkins , so how can i run those scripts by jenkins , is there any configarion required for that..could you pls assist me on it.
Thanks in Advance………………….
Hi Venkat,
In order to run your scripts remotely, you need to build your project at corresponding location(i.e. machine on which you want to execute) using Maven then execute it using Jenkins. For details, please visit this link http://learn-automation.com/jenkins-with-selenium/
Hi Mukesh,
Have you done Selenium with Python?If yes,please share the tutorials for the same.
Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRrubJ13I8s&t=1463s
Very nicely explained. Good job
Thanks Utkal