If you are planning to learn Selenium Webdriver and if you have completed Basic Selenium tutorial, then you can start Advance Selenium Tutorials which will talk about different frameworks, tools integration, external data reading from different sources and so on.
Module 1
Must Read- Page Object Model in Selenium – Complete Guide
Read Excel file in Selenium using JExcel API
Read and Write Excel file in Selenium using Apache POI
Read Numeric test data from excel for framework development
How to read CSV File in Selenium Webdriver
Data Driven Framework in Selenium
Generate XSLT Report in Selenium
Advanced Selenium report in Selenium Webdriver
Advanced Selenium report part 2
How to handle Browser authentication in Selenium Webdriver
How to use Object Repository in Selenium Webdriver
Send Reports via Email using Selenium Webdriver
Selenium 4 – Chrome DevTools Protocol
Selenium 4 has provided access to CDP which stands for Chrome DevTools Protocol. CDP will allow us to enhance Selenium test in many different ways for example we can handle authentications, mock geo location, capture network logs, browser logs, device mode capability etc.
Handle Authentication Popup In Selenium 4 using CDP
Module 2
Advanced Selenium Tutorials
Selenium Integration with Jenkins
Github Integration with Selenium
Maven Integration with Selenium
Sikuli Integration with Selenium Webdriver
ChromeOptions in Selenium WebDriver
Headless Browser Testing in Selenium using Chrome Browser
Headless Testing in Selenium using HTMLUnit Driver
Headless Testing in Selenium using PhantomJS
Perform Remote execution in Selenium Webdriver Using Selenium Grid
Create Base Class in Selenium Webdriver for Framework development
Module 3
Database connection- Database Testing in Selenium using MSAccess and Oracle
What is ATLC- Automation Test Life Cycle
We use advance selenium in company.
Greate Nabab
Hi Mukesh,
Can u share the Java Progs which is asked frequently in Interview?
Hi Ranjan,
Very soon, I’ll post content on my blog on same.
Thanks Mukesh
Hello Mukesh,
im following your videos to learn selenium automation and now im looking for the video where all the necessary topics covered like handling login for whole project required validations and many more. there is no any videos or articles for this please create conten.
Hi Santosh,
I’ll post it soon…:)
Hi Mukesh
Can we call more than one data providers in different @test scenarios in a class?
Also I would like to know if I can call same data-provider in multiple tests .
For eg: I have a login scenario for which I am picking up the data from excel using data provider . I have another test scenario where I need to input in one of the fields considering that data is coming from the excel.
Can I store all the three data in a excel and using data-provider can I call it multiple times in my tests.
Can you please give me an example for better understanding.
Hi Apu,
You can same excel to read data for multiple dataProviders. Only thing which you need to consider is reading excel file should be thread-safe or create Singleton class for excel reading and this is applicable when you access Excel file parallelly. If it is sequential then you can access Excel without using above 2 ways.
Hi Mukesh,
Can you please tell me how to get disabled checkbox value whether is checked or not..
Hi Amit,
First go through this link http://learn-automation.com/handle-radio-button-and-checkbox-in-selenium-webdriver/
As I don’t know about the Web UI which you are dealing with, so what you can do is, also check any attribute which comes as part of check against checkbox control then you can use something like this driver.findElement(By.locatorName(“XXXX”)).getAttribute(“checked”)
Hi Mukesh,
Need help in handling file upload/download options in chrome headless driver. In normal chrome browser it works fine but in headless mode windows pop does not show up.
Hi Sudhanshu,
In headless also, file upload and download works well. Please try to use proper waits in between different actions.
Hi Mukesh,
need help for take screen shot of failure test cases in test ng using extentreport tool
you also updated video with only one test we need more then 2 test in test NG let me know how to do it
Hi Gopinath,
I’ve mentioned screenshot on failure into @AfterMethod annotated method. So obviously @AfterMethod will execute twice(i.e. each for @Test method) hence you will get screenshot for each @Test failure.
Hi Mukesh,
thanks for updating new videos on topics and we are glad to following you. and can you able to update videos on Protractor
Hi Kiran,
Thanks for your appreciation.
I’ll add topics for protractor soon…:)
How to scroll pop up window using selenium ?
Hi Mirza,
Please check this link http://learn-automation.com/scroll-page-in-selenium-webdriver/
Hi Mukesh,
Please upload how to integrate Jmeter with selenium and how can we write and execute jmeter script in eclipse.
Hi Vishal,
I’ll upload it soon…:)
Hi Mukesh,
I am facing lots of problem in ext js framework application for automation. so plz suggest me how to overcome the problem. DOM is continuously changing.
Hi Paresh,
Apologies, I never worked on Ext JS framework(a proprietary one). The other concern, that DOM is changing so try to use CSS or xpath which should depend on text available on webpage instead of ids’ and classname if these are changing.
Hi Mukesh,
Please add videos for –
1) reading test data from xml file
2) reading test data from json file
If these videos are added, all types of Data driven testing videos will be available at one location.
Thanks in advance 🙂
Hi Vandana,
I’ll add it soon but for time being you can refer these links
1) reading test data from xml file link
2) reading test data from json file link
How to perform drag and drop operation to move image to canvas.
Hi Akash,
On canvas, you won’t get a proper location to identify elements. You can drag and drop using Actions class and here your destination would be canvas tag. Because I am not sure about html structure of your application, so can’t assure.
Hi Prashant,
Use Actions class. First, do mover hover to required element followed by click event on the same place.
Hi Mukesh,
I have an 1 year experience in selenium and currently working in small concern..now i plan to move in MNC…what is an expectation based on selenium..can u guide me…
Hi Vimal,
Most of the times, it all depends on job profile but make your command on programming logics.
bro i want list of topics in selenium from basics to advance can u pls send it……thanks by vimal
Hi Vimal,
Please visit undermentioned links…
Beginners link http://learn-automation.com/selenium-webdriver-tutorial-for-beginners/
Advance link http://learn-automation.com/advance-selenium-webdriver-tutorials/
Hi Mukesh,
How to explain Cucumber Framework from Scratch in Interview.
Could you please post a video.
Best Regards,
Hi Satish,
I’ll post it soon.
hi mukesh,
Plz upload for appium setup in IOS and coding part also
Hi Pooja,
I’ll do it soon…:)
Hi Mukesh,
I am working as Automation software tester and the basics of selenium is well known for me. I would like to get the knowledge of maven and github which i didnt have any idea regarding tat topic. What should I do to get the basic knowledge of maven and github integration. Whether its possible to do in eclipse itself.
Hi Prasanna,
Please go through these links…
1. http://learn-automation.com/github-integration-eclipse-with-selenium/
2. http://learn-automation.com/selenium-maven-build-and-usage/
Hi Mukesh,
I have one query.
how we can run our test case without testNg.
Hi Prakash,
If you are not using testng then you need to execute your script just like executing any .java file. In this case, be sure that main method should be there.
Hello Mukesh,
Thank you for posting video for Sikuli integration with Selenium.
But i am facing challenge regarding Screen resolution while running script.
When i am changing screen resolution then tool unable to find image.
Please provide solution
Hi Yogesh,
Sikuli works on a pixel by pixel base. So resolution does not matter, as longs the pixel information itself stays the same. Suppose, you want to click on My Computer icon and assume screen wallpaper is ‘A’. Now you are using same script for different resolution, here what happens if screen wallpaper is having changes in resolution or icon of My Computer is getting pixel changes then obviously script will fail.
So whenever you take image any particular file/icon/object on screen, try to avoid background stuffs.
Hello Mukesh ,
Hope you are doing good.
I am working on Sikuli tool with Selenium and learn from your video.
I want one workaround to work with sikuli without storing images n my machine.
Can i work with sikuli without storing images (means with Runtime) or in script only will capture and call those images?
Hi Yogesh,
Sikuli is being used usually when you are not able to automate those stuffs which are out of scope of Selenium(unable to locate element/object). In order to compare images, you need to save it some location then you retrieve it and search same on screen to do required action.
Hi Mukesh,
How to download cucumber jars.Where can i find them?
Hi Sandeep,
Please refer below video for Cucumber jars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYdTkTzGFxE
Hi Mukesh ,
can u tell me is selenium webdriver and other browser drivers compatible with windows 8 64 bit?
Hi Richa,
Use latest version of Selenium with latest geckodriver with latest FF. Please remember, use x64 version gecko and FF. Win 8 is good to go
Hi Mukesh,
When i execute the script for data driven error message displayed. “[Utils] [ERROR] [Error] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Workbook” Can you give solution for this error.
Hi Senthil,
Seems some jar is missing. Kindly use maven and add poi dependency.
Maven jars and poi dependency mean jar files or any other? sorry for asking please explain briefly..
Hi Senthil,
It means, use maven project structure and mention POI dependency in POM.xml file. Add these two dependencies of version 3.15
1. Apache POI >> org.apache.poi » poi
2. Apache POI >> org.apache.poi » poi-ooxml
For maven related info, please check this link http://learn-automation.com/selenium-maven-build-and-usage/
Hi Mukesh,
Can you tell me how to drag a file from the system (windows)and then drop it to the application?
Hi Richa,
For this, resize browser window so that file to be dragged and dropped should be visible. Then use AutoIT to do rest of action. Use MouseClickDrag function from AutoIT like this MouseClickDrag($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, 0, 200, 650, 700, 50) For more info, please check complied html help file available in AutoIT installation folder (file name: AutoIt.chm)
Thank you…:)
Hi Mukesh,
What is the difference Between selenium Listeners and TestNg Listeners…?
Hi Anji,
Listeners is not a small topic to explain over here but I can tell you WebDriver Listeners deals with WebDriver related events and TestNG listeners are into test related events.
Hi Mukesh, I would like to thank you a lot for such a wonderful blog & helping Automation Testers.
I have just started working in Automation using webdriver & your videos are my Bible.
Request you to guide if there is any link or any video which you have uploaded for Appium as I need to go for the same down the line in one month or so?
Thanks Anyways
Hi Ajay,
Thank you so much for such a nice feedback :)I have uploaded few videos last year which will help you to get started.
I am doing website testing using vb.net with selenium. I am trying to check webpage buttons are placed in same row or not in one div. So i need to check the elements div wise. if any particular div button is not placed correct row or location(x,y) then it will mark. So how to do check using parent div wise.
Hi Venkat,
For each div tag, there would be at least one property which is specific to button. Using getAttribute(), verify attribute value in a loop. If it doesn’t find such attribute then you can assume non availability of button.
Hi Mukesh,
I am try to open the webpage in google chrome browser, i am able to launch the browser but web page is not opening.
System.setProperty(“webdriver.chrome.driver”, “C:\\Users\\Desktop\\chromedriver.exe”);
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
Hi Prashant,
Please share exception message which you might have got.
Hi Mukesh,
Thank you for your response. i am getting below massage in console.
Starting ChromeDriver 2.20.353145 (343b531d31eeb933ec778dbcf7081628a1396067) on port 21823
Only local connections are allowed.
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.http.client.protocol.RequestAddCookies).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.
Hi Prashant,
You are using very old version of chromedriver. Please update it to 2.31 version
Hi Mukesh,
i have donwload the latest version of chrome driver, but still same problem is persist.
Starting ChromeDriver 2.31.488763 (092de99f48a300323ecf8c2a4e2e7cab51de5ba8) on port 20878
Only local connections are allowed.
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.http.client.protocol.RequestAddCookies).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.
Exception in thread “main” org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: chrome not reachable
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.31.488763 (092de99f48a300323ecf8c2a4e2e7cab51de5ba8),platform=Windows NT 6.1.7601 SP1 x86) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
Command duration or timeout: 62.07 seconds
Build info: version: ‘2.53.0’, revision: ’35ae25b’, time: ‘2016-03-15 16:57:40’
System info: host: ‘NSDLC1293’, ip: ‘’, os.name: ‘Windows 7’, os.arch: ‘x86’, os.version: ‘6.1’, java.version: ‘1.7.0_79’
Driver info: org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver
Hi Prashant,
There could be lot of reasons for org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: chrome not reachable exception. You can give a try to below mentioned steps.
1. Open task manager and kill all existing Chrome and chromemdriver instances.
2. Check whether Chrome on your machine is updated to latest version or not.
3. At last, uninstall existing chrome and reinstall it again then run your script once again.
Hi Mukesh,
Now it working Thanks for your help.
Hi Prashant,
Thats great…:)
HI mukesh,
OPened flipkart,selected electronics menu,click lenovo,sort the prices from high to low……..
NOw store the all lenovo mobile nanes and price into excel from all pages .how to write code fr dis sir,plz help
Hi Nitin,
You can do it by dynamic xpath. Create xpath in such that it should point Item names and its corresponding price. As per my observation one xpath will points to multiple nodes(i.e. intended item) and another xpath should points to corresponding price tags. First take count for no. of matching nodes. Then iterate a loop for fetch its name and price. Once loop iteration gets done then click on next pagination link.
Hi Mukesh
I am facing an issue with in reading the elements present in canvas tag
Website used redbus.in
i need to read the seats info and the tooltip that we get when we hover our mouse over a seat in the website
Hi Aditya,
Selenium WebDriver object works based on the tags being available for DOM structure. Here in your scenario, canvas is only tag which is available so it is not possible to read data specifically wrt given seat.
I want to verify the location of a button using getLOcation and assert commands . Kindly help
Using Point class and getLocation() method i can find the actual location (x , y) coordinates of the element but further i donno how to use assert with it
Hi Swati,
Using JavaScript function, you can easily find the location(x & y coordinates of same) but Selenium itself works on javascript engine. So here in your case, Take the values of x & y coordinates and assert same by putting assertion statement for x and y values which comes during script execution. Here, there is a catch, if you execute your script on some different resolution of screen then your script will fail.
driver.switchTo().alert().authenticateUsing(new UsernamePasswordCredentials(“cheese”, “secretGouda”));
I am Unable to send the basic authentication header using above method can u tell me how to achieve this using the above method
Hi Vinod,
Try with robot class.
Hi Mukesh for example if i iterate the elements in a table and element is found ,how to make a click on the element if element is found
Hi Vinod,
Put your check condition inside if statement. When it becomes true, go for click action.
Hello Mukesh,
am really glad to you your blog is very much exciting for all automation people’s
Hi Vanoor,
Very very thanks for your comments. Be in touch with learn-automation.com….:)
Hi Mukesh, please tell me if i want to automate your website i.e. “http://learn-automation.com/”, then a subscription message window shows. How i handle it.Is it a window or alert.
Because there is only subscribe button.
Can we navigate your site without subscription.
Hi parul,
If you are doing for some practice purpose then it would be better to go with this link
Hello Mukesh,
Can you please do one session on Selenium Webdriver automation for Accessibility testing using any one of free tool.
Hi Mangesh,
I haven’t planned anything for this but in future I’ll do it.
hi Mukesh,
how to run a script using selenium 3.4.0 on firefox version 54.0?
Hi Shahbaaz,
Please check this link http://learn-automation.com/use-firefox-selenium-using-geckodriver-selenium-3/
One more thing, as this bit old video, so take latest gecko driver, selenium and FF.
how to close modal window using selenium webdriver.
Hi Anuj,
Mostly modal window behaves like separate window. For more info, please check this link http://learn-automation.com/handle-multiple-windows-in-selenium-webdriver/
Hello Mukesh, i got an error is while i am executing the code on Data Driven Framework with Excel
SKIPPED: login (Method Name)
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot get a STRING value from a NUMERIC cell
Hello sir, while i am executing the code about Data Driven Framework through excel then i am getting the error is :
SKIPPED: login (Method Name)
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot get a STRING value from a NUMERIC cell
Hi Thirupati,
I think, you are trying to read data from excel cell which is in numeric format. Please check this link https://poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/HSSFCell.html#getNumericCellValue()
Hello Sir, I come to know where i did mistake is i didn’t use the default method formatCellValue() of default class is DataFormatter .
Thank you sir.
Please give a way to resolve this issue Sir.
I am working on web app for test the application through selenium web driver, i want to handle the angularJS calendar ng-click function,the calendar click function is working fine whenever i am checking through Inspect element with Firebug of FirePath but it’s not working while i am run the program instead of that the system is showing skipping the calendar function scenario while cursor on the calendar click button.
Hi Thirupati,
Usually this is what happens when we deal with Angular JS based application. At few places, it becomes difficult to locate element from DOM structure. That’s why Google has come up with a tool known as Protractor, which works well in this kind of situation. Otherwise, if you are using pure selenium APIs then you need to look for workaround.
Hi Mukesh ,
I am getting Elementnotvisible exception when I am trying to click on a text (Which is acting as a button). I tried using the Xpath and CSS selector but not of any help. Kindly provide a solution.
Hi Piyush,
Before doing click action, put Explicit Wait with condition of visibility of element. For more details, kindly visit this link
Hi Mukesh,
How can i get the row count for different column.
Hi Sibaram,
Check the DOM structure, navigte through each tr tag and take td tag counts
Hi Sibaram,
Check the DOM structure, navigate through each tr tag and take td tag counts
Hi Mukesh,
Actually my question is ,How to get number of rows of a particular column in excel?
Here using below code i am able to get column count of particular row.
public int getColumncount(String sheetPath,int sheetNum ,int rowNum) throws Exception
File src =new File(sheetPath);
FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(src);
XSSFWorkbook wb=new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
XSSFSheet sh=wb.getSheetAt(sheetNum);
return sh.getRow(rowNum).getPhysicalNumberOfCells();
But i am unable to get number of rows of a particular column in excel. Please help.
Hi Sibaram,
As of now, Apache POI doesn’t provide any method to fetch row count based on column index so you need to create your own method which can provide rows count using existing POI methods.
Hi Mukesh,
I need your help to generate Test result using XML in selenium. Can you please send me sample script on this ?
Hi Prem,
Please elaborate your requirement.
Hi Mukesh,
I have one scenario related to the scroll down,
I have two windows on one web page, Like parent window and child window, but when i am using
Then it will scroll downing the parent window but I want to scroll down on child window.
How can i do it please help
Hi Jay,
Do switch driver control to child window then try for scroll action again.
Hi Mukesh,
Appreciate you sharing the knowledge here 🙂
What would be the cause for getting the below error:
org.openqa.selenium.nosuchelementexception unable to locate element
Hi Adithi,
This exception is thrown when trying to access element which doesn’t exist. For more info, check this link https://seleniumhq.github.io/selenium/docs/api/java/org/openqa/selenium/NoSuchElementException.html
You can reproduce this exception when you use locator which is not available on DOM.
Hi Mukesh,
can you please add some videos to configure gradle with eclipse please
if you are already done please send me the link
Hi Aravind,
As of now, I don’t have any post related to gradle but very soon, I’ll post it.
Hi Mukesh..Can u please Clarify me one doubt. i am practicing on Keyword Driven framework.. here in my Project after creation of framework ,for everything i am spending my work time on Excel Sheet only like Preparing Test Cases with Keywords compatible for my framework.
1) is it Right way only spending time on ExcelSheet
2) In Real Time This is the Process or Is there any Process in Keyword Framework
3)Is there anyway to implement Keyword+Page Objects Model .
Please Please Tell These ans…Thanks in Advance
Hi Babu,
It fully depends on your project/client requirements. There is no limit for adding additional stuff into your framework. Usually keyword driven framework is being developed so that manual tester can execute test scripts by simply adding required keywords/actions along with required data. This is how an organization saves their man hours.
can you please tell me How to Select a particular image while images are horizantally scrolled in FlipKart
Hi Babu,
Try to locate an element which you want to interact. Suppose on full screen mode if you can see only 5 products then check inside div tags for attribute you are looking for. If found then click otherwise click on scroll button. Create an utility method which does this and call it in your script. To find element, I would suggest you to go with dynamic xpath. For example, to locate a product under ‘Deal of the Day’ is //*[text()=’Deals of the Day’]/following::a[3]
Hi Mukesh,
Is there any way we can create a HP QC Connection with Selenium WebDriver and Execute the Test cases.
Hi Ashutosh,
Sorry to say but I never had any hands on with HP QC integration with Selenium
I have an application which has 10 different pages and each page has a web table in it and each table has unique column names. If I give the table name and the column name, I need to get the column values printed without traversing to each row and column in each tables. How can I achieve that ?
Hi Usuf,
One of the way to handle this kind of situation is, find out a xapth in which you can set counter for tr[variable] and put this in a loop, as you said td remains same. This is for a specific column. If you want to do it for all columns then you will require two loops.
Through Id and xpath i am not able to click on submit button in my application. But when i am not enter user id and password then i am able to click in submit button…
Hi Neeraj,
Could you please reply the application url.
Hi Mukesh,
This is Pradeep, I have a small scenario I am getting confusing please help to handle this …….
Scenario: There are 10 pages in the same window, an image is present in any page
out of ten pages in the same window.
How we validate this scenario.
Hi Pradeep,
Check for img tag with specific property on each page and validate your required scenario
Thanks, Mukesh …., Is there any video explanation about grid tables in selenium?
Hi Pradeep,
I hope that this is what you are looking for…http://learn-automation.com/handle-calender-in-selenium-webdriver/
Hi Mukesh,
Following link to download advance report jar file provided by you, Not working. Please Help..
Hi Bhushan,
Extent Report site url has been changed. Kindly refer this link http://extentreports.com/documentation/
If submit button contain in one of 3 frames on the page, how will you handle dis situation in selenium?
I have a small scenario Please help to overcome …
Hi Vijay,
You need to switch to corresponding frame then call click acction. For more details, please refer this link
Thank you so much mukesh…It helps me lot
Hi Vijay,
I am happy to read from you.
Hi Mukesh
Please suggest me how to create a pdf report in selenium
Hi Roopa,
There is iText jar which is used extensively for creation of automation report in pdf format. For details, please check this link
Hi Mukesh,
I am trying to run my selenium scripts through Jenkins. when i am trying to run browser is not opening but its runs through eclipse . so can you please help me.
Hi Manglesh,
May be your script is running in headless mode on default node(i.e. master). Create separate slave/node and then run it again
Hi, good evening Mukesh…
when I’m trying click on alert popup using alert.accept() it’s not working…script looking pretty good…please help me out…thanks in advance
WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver();
JavascriptExecutor executor= (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
Alert alert=driver.switchTo().alert();
Hi Chiranjeevi,
To avoid this type of pop ups’, you can use either robot class or AutoIt
Hai Mukesh,
Can u pls tell me how to handle multiple windows (I want to access 3rd or 4th window from the 1st window)
When I click the button it opens multiple windows.
Hi Arun,
Since windowsHandles always comes in a set so iterate each window one by one with some condition like check the title name which you want, if it matches then keep driver on same window otherwise close it and switch to next one.
Hi Mukesh.,
I ‘m good follower of your sessions I need info how to move driver into flipkart login page is it possible by alert are by switch to or by frame
Hi Guru,
I have checked and observed that there is no frame and alert on login page of flipkart.
Hi Mukesh
I have doubt in selenium ,how to switch a frame in online excel sheet ,and also how to do actions like clicking add ins in excel sheet and clicking the buttons in online excel sheet please tell me
Hi Sesidhar,
Which application are you using?
Hi Mukesh ,
Is there any way , we can launch older version of Chrome and IE by any means , Please let me know
Hi Sid,
If you are using older version of Chrome in your machine then you can use it. IEDriverServer and Chromedriver executable are used to initiate web browsers on native machine.
Hi Mukesh,
ERROR Request failed certificate checks: [Exception… “Certificate checks failed. See previous errors for details.”
I’m getting above error, could you please share some solutions for this.
Hi Charan,
Which web browser are you using?
Hi Mukesh,
Your blog is excellent in explaining the concepts and easing the subject. Appreciate your efforts and feel happy i landed up here for learning.
I have small issue while working with Extentreports version3. As the repository has been renamed and not sure if methods such as get() are good to use or not? Could you please check this and update the blog if necessary.
Thanking in advance!
Hi Sara,
There are lot of changes in Extent Report Version 3.x.x. I’ll do it soon…:)
Thanks for the help Mukesh.
Hi Mukesh,
I need your help to setup the pom.xml file as a part of Maven Integration with eclipse.
Following error I am getting:
Failure to transfer org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:pom:3.0 from https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 was cached in the local repository, resolution will not
be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-
plugin:pom:3.0 from/to central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2): repo.maven.apache.org
I am using Maven 3.3.9 build.
Please help me on this.
Hi Sayan,
Are you working behind proxy, if so then you need to add settings.xml file. For more info, check this link
Thanks Mukesh…the issue is resolved now.
Happy to read your reply…:)
Hi Mukesh,
I was trying to install TestNG in my eclipse version4.6.1 and getting an error “org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException” when i am tying to connect http://beust.com/eclipse/ site to install TestNG,
Please can you help
Hi Harini,
Sometimes because of some proxy or network connectivity, this kind of issues comes. Try to install testng from Eclipse Marketplace.
Hi Mukesh,
I am trying to automate a spreadjs. While using firebug and firepath it shows a single id/xpath for the entire spreadjs canvas. I need to access all the cells of the spreadjs and even click on a dropdown in one of the cell. Wanted your thoughts on this.
Hi Nikesh,
I checked spreadjs demo and observed same. As of now, it doesn’t look possible to get cell location inside canvas.
Hi Mukesh,
Is there any alternate method or workaround that you can suggest?
Hi Nikesh,
Only thing which I could see is availability of any APIs from spreadjs team using which we can access cells inside canvas.
Hi mukeah
I just want to knw hoq to real and write data from exel sheet.please make some videos.I like ur teaching style
Hi Swapnil,
Please check this link http://learn-automation.com/read-and-write-excel-files-in-selenium/
Can u please tell me how to handle or delete cookies automatically?
Hi Suresh,
You can use deleteAllCookies() method.
Hi mukesh,
I am learning selenium web driver from your videos, And It is very helpful , Your teaching process is excellent…. Please make video on how to verify data is added in dynamic web table where data is stored in alphabetically. please….
Hi Nilam,
Very soon…:)
Hi Mukesh,
I need Grid concept , i tried but its not working completely, everything setup done and noticed all 3 or 4 browsers opened but my code is running on only one browser, rest of the browsers are just opening …pls resolve this..
Hi Hari,
Which selenium version you’re using?
This is just awesome!
Hi Ramya,
I am happy to read from you. You are always welcome here..:)
Hi, Could you please post videos for web services testing using REST API
Hi Abhishek,
Right now, I am in preparation of tutorials for this topic. Very soon, I’ll publish stuffs for this & you will get an email for that.
Hi Mukesh,
Can you provide step by step process for the jenkins-selenium integration and execution . I saw your youtube post thats for 1.6 Version i guess. Can you provide the tutorial on latest version. Thanks in advance
Hi Ravi,
Thanks for asking this question…:)
As I am already planning for same and will post it soon.
Hi Mukesh,
I am started automate our project using selenium. All credits for you, because of these tutorials. I required a test plan to submit updates to senior levels. Can you help me???
Thanks & Regards,
Vyshak v s
Hi Vyshakh,
Test plan also depends upon the AUT not just based on framework. Without knowledge of application and its functionality, it is quite impossible to create test plan.
Thank you… Mukesh
While working with jenkins we click new item
Then we will give item name
After that we will select Maven project….
But in my case it is not showing the Maven project..
Can you please tell me is there any other way…
To find maven project…
Hi Srihari,
Please check whether you have provided MAVEN_HOME under Configure System. Here provide maven path.
May i know how to install TestNG with eclipse..
Is there any video for that
Here we go http://learn-automation.com/how-to-install-testng-in-eclipse/
Kindly refer below video too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTtFSnZY4f8
Your teaching is soo much helpful to me..
Thanks a lot..
I have one doubt..
In salesforce application we are creating a lead for creating lead there is a dropdown for salutation..
Can you please help me how to write the code for salutation dropdown..
Hi Srihari,
I have also worked on Salesforce and Select class will work for you. Kindly check below link http://learn-automation.com/handle-dropdown-in-selenium-webdriver/
Thanks for your reply Mukesh..
I already referred that as compare to other application sales force is different..I mean about drop down..
Have you tried BootStrap Dropdown? What tag you are getting?
Hi Mukesh..Your Teaching is very helpful to me.Thanks a lot.
Hi Swathi,
Thanks for your comments.
How to automate pages that are built on polymer js instead of angular js?
Hi Mickey,
I never had any hands on application whose components are of polymer.js. And never tried feasibility of protractor or any other tool with polymer.js
hi mukesh sir,
how to select dropdown (in case of div tag)?
Hi Sunny,
Please check this link http://learn-automation.com/handle-bootstrap-dropdown-in-selenium-webdriver/
Hi Sunny,
Please check this link http://learn-automation.com/handle-bootstrap-dropdown-in-selenium-webdriver/
how to copy and paste the text present in textbox from one text box to another if one of the textbox is disabled.
Hi Pradeep,
For the textbox which is no editable you can check its html properties such as value. Get this attribute value and you can pass to another textbox where you want to paste it.
Hi Mukesh,
It was really wonderful blog, i was stuck while in jenkins can you please help me
While creating a new job im facing an issue like “Failed to connect to repository : Error performing command: C:\Users\satish.v\git\NewAutomation ls-remote -h New Automation HEAD”
Please let me know how to resolve this issue
Hi Satish,
Check whether cloning of repo is working from cmd/terminal
Hi Mukesh,
Is it possible for you to show us a demo on how to integrate ALM with Selenium?
I searched a lot of sites but I couldn’t find the tutorial which I needed.
Hi Sanjeev,
I never worked with HP ALM. Moreover it is proprietary tool.
Hi Mukesh,
Full Marks for creating such a nice platform of learning.
How can we use Protractor with Selenium ?
Hi Pranay,
Right now I didn’t post any videos wrt protractor. But you can refer protractor site for better understanding.
Hi Mukesh,
Thank you so much for your video classes. Excellent. Really I understood very well.
Thanks a ton Rajani 🙂 Keep in touch.
Hi Mukesh
First of all a BIG Thank You!!!Your videos are really helpful…and i am really trying to make the most of them…but i have a concern…i am not able to find a sequence of how should i see them.. i know basic JAVA…My project uses TestNG with Selenium Apache POI..and reporting..so i will be really grateful if you can help me with the topics i should go through…
Also, everybody in the comments is talking about a book…how can i get one?
Hi Nishu,
Send me mail mukeshotwani@learn-automation.com I will send the book.
Hi Mukesh ,
Can you please the book for me too. It would be really helpful.
Please subscribe to newsletter for ebook.
Hi Mukesh,
Thank you for so much for sharing the behemoth knowledge on Selenium. I am kinda stuck in one scenario that I am not be comprehend. Hoping that you could help me out..
On a webpage; there is a section with two Radio buttons and both the radio buttons are wrapped inside a border with a name and a value associated. When I click on any of the radio button; the name and value of that radio button gets reflected into another section on the same page. So, my question is How can I capture that name and value.
I have handled the check boxes and another section in which the name and value comes is not within any frame.
To make myself more clear; for example – https://www.avast.com/en-in/store#ise
if you click on second/third button; the value is displayed. My scenario is like this..how can I handle it. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Hi Ankur,
Click on required radio button. And after click verify the price which comes up wrt price already available against corresponding radio button.
Hi Mukesh,
Can you please get a complete separate link of Selenium for MAC. It becomes very confusing to find things for people learning selenium through MAC OS.
Including the new version of selenium 3.0.01.
It would be more helpful 🙂
Hi Neha,
Thanks for your concern.
I will start it very soon.
How can I customize the Extent report in more detailed manner ..for example I want to add Test case ID ,Expected and Actual Result etc..Provide me some solutions please.
Hi Saroj,
You can customize the report using below link.
To add expected and actual result you can use log.
can you help me how we can handle two pop up window one after another like flipkart login after entering the username and password it will ask otp send it to your mail or mobile
Hi Reshu,
Flipkart login comes on same same window i.e ‘Top Window’ and if you encounter multiple windows scenario later on then kindly read this post http://learn-automation.com/handle-multiple-windows-in-selenium-webdriver/
Hi Mukesh,
could you please share the concept how to read data from dynamic webtable.
Hi Sandep,
Hope this will help you.
Hi Mukesh,
I like the way u share the knowledge .. infact i have told the imporatnce of knowledge sharing to my collegues and potryed u as an example.,
I have seen people not disclosing and sharing the info But u u r tremedos..
Thanks again for your help.. would u mind sharing u r ebook
Thanks Prasanth 🙂 Wishing you Happy New year
Hi Mukesh
Yes Ayush how can I help?
can you help me how we can handle two pop up window one after another like flipkart login after entering the username and password it will ask otp send it to your mail or mobile
Hi Reshu,
Kindly read this post http://learn-automation.com/handle-multiple-windows-in-selenium-webdriver/
Hi Mukesh,
how to launch firefox browser without using firefoxdriver class?
Hi Ram,
is this requirement or interview question?
Your blog is very helpful to me.can u send e book to my mail.that means a lot for me….
Thanks Bhaskar
Hi mukhesh,
I really like your work and i have been getting the knowledge of selenium through it. so thanks a lot for that mukhesh. Also my question is what are all essential core things which is needed to become a selenium specialist like you. Because that’s my aim too. which is to be a selenium specialist one day 🙂
One more question, i did registration with this blog but i haven’t got e-book. I’m getting regular mail updates though regarding selenium.
Hi Vijay,
I will send book today.
Thank you mukhesh, looking forward for it 🙂
Hi Mukesh sir,
i am veer, i learn lot of from your site Learn – Automation , now i am confuse in one question , may you tell me which tool we use for Reporting purpose in Automation .
Hi Veer, there are so many tools available But I use extent report for reporting.http://learn-automation.com/advance-selenium-reporting-with-screenshots-2/
Hi Mukesh,
Your videos and explanation is very helpful for begineers.
I would like learn more about selenium integration with ALM. Please explain on high level how this can be done.
Hi Kira,
I have not tried ALM part so not sure on this 🙁
plz expplain about hybrid framwork
Hi Pavan,
you can check framework from below link http://learn-automation.usefedora.com/courses/enrolled/selenium-frameworks-and-selenium-question-answers
Hi Mukesh,
I could able to take full screenshot in FF and IE but the same i could not do in chrome.
Can you tell me the solution.
Hi Naresh,
Are you using Selenium 3 or Selenium 2?
Hii .. System.setProperty(“Webdriver.gecko.driver”,”c:\\sJar\\geckodriver.exe”);
how to write this line for linux os means how to set path.
and plz tell why im getting this below error.
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.IllegalStateException: The path to the driver executable must be set by the webdriver.gecko.driver system property; for more information, see https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver. The latest version can be downloaded from https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases
at com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState(Preconditions.java:199)
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.service.DriverService.findExecutable(DriverService.java:109)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.GeckoDriverService.access$000(GeckoDriverService.java:37)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.GeckoDriverService$Builder.findDefaultExecutable(GeckoDriverService.java:95)
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.service.DriverService$Builder.build(DriverService.java:296)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver.createCommandExecutor(FirefoxDriver.java:277)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver.(FirefoxDriver.java:247)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver.(FirefoxDriver.java:242)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver.(FirefoxDriver.java:238)
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver.(FirefoxDriver.java:127)
at sfb.fbCreatePage.main(fbCreatePage.java:11)
Hi Shital,
I have not done in Linux But I have guide for MAC which should work in Linux as well.
Kindly check http://learn-automation.com/use-firefox-selenium-using-geckodriver-selenium-3/
Below link is not working:
Its fixed now
Hello Mukesh,
Please help me :- How to handle/close Sign in popup box of http://www.goibibo.com
Hi Manish,
You can find the xpath of close button and if still not working the check if element inside frame then switch to frame first.
Hi Mukesh,
I have to click on the mark in the google map.Could please help me ..i want to do the click action using selenium web driver.Kindly do the needful.
Hi Shobarani,
Selenium wont be good option for MAPs
Hi Mukesh,
I came across one question in my interview,
Is it feasible to automate comparing two word documents which contains images in it using selenium ?
Please share your answer.
Hi Nila,
Selenium is mainly for web automation so above task you can do using plain java code using POI library.
can some one guide me to how can we buy the recorded videos?
Hi Raju,
I will send details tomorrow.
HI Mukesh,
your site is very useful for me, Thank you
Welcome Rajesh. Thanks a ton.
Hi Mukesh Sir,
I am new to selenium and java. Right now I am giving my time to study java as you said in blog “No need to jump on selenium until your java basics are not strong.”
Here is my question is “Should I purchase selenium framework video now? As I am new to selenium and java.” or should I go for your “Quick list of Core Java topics for Selenium webdriver” first?
And one more thing I have considered you as my guru and I keep my faith on you, please guide me. 🙂
Hi Vinay,
Sorry Someout I missed your comment. Please let me know if any help required from my side and happy new year.
How to access dynamic xpath element?
Hi Hima,
Please follow below guide http://learn-automation.com/how-to-write-dynamic-xpath-in-selenium/